Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Needed Return to the Words

Ever since I was a little girl, I always enjoyed writing. While other girls pretended to be housewives or nurses, I would be writing about anything. When I played games with others I would make them pretend that we are in a big company and everyone would have something to copy or write. I used to love writing for when I wrote I could be whoever I want; any age, any profession...

As I grew up, I started to give up writing as a hobby for I had to write my school papers. My teachers always complimented my writing style and gave me the top grades in class. My friends and classmates used to complain when the teacher gave us a new topic to write about. However, I secretly loved it and enjoyed it. I have to confess though, there were times where I would write my friend's paper too. As much as I enjoyed to write, I found my true passion. MATH. It was a fascinating world. I started to focus more on the math and scientific subjects but never lost my writing skill. I remember back in 7th grade when the Arabic language teacher was telling the students her opinion for each one which was more suitable for them; the scientific domain or the literature domain. When the turn was at me, she gazed at me and smiled. She said "Hanan, mmm. I think that you would do well in either. You are a straight A scientific student with amazing writing skills."

Every time I thought about my future, I knew I would be in the scientific domain. I was starting to lose interest in writing and reading. During my exchange year I wanted to keep a daily diary to write down every single detail, however in the middle of the excitement and my busy schedule the idea of the diary faded away. Throughout high school I focused more and more on math and physics for I wanted to major in engineering. So, you can imagine how I drifted away from writing. Getting into the school of engineering made it even tougher for me to write. I have been away from writing for over 5 years now.

I started this blog to get back to writing. I know I am not a professional writer, after all I am an engineer student. But writing gives me a new power. The words have a magic touch that can take you anywhere you want. When you have no one to listen or when you don't feel like talking to anyone, writing is the best way to express everything. To let go of what is holding you back from achieving your goals.

I will write as many posts as I can and as often as I could. Hopefully someone will benefit from what I write or be entertained or something. If not, then I guess it's cool. It is all about the writing.

This come back should have been a while ago but late is better than never.

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